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Europe Model Car Shops and Online Sellers-The Model Car Index
Online and Physical Stores

Please Note: Many of these sellers are also "re-sellers" meaning they obtain unbuilt kits from private collections and other sources to sell in their stores.
Also, no stores that sold only non car items ,i.e. Gundam, Railroad, RC, Military etc were included here. Only sellers with cars since we are a "model car" site.
Last Updated 09/9/23
Toms the Scale Modeler
Healthy and varied selection of model cars and supplies.Lots of odd, one off models and many very rare ones. Lots of motorcycles. From the Netherlands.
Car Model
Large selection of cars and accessories including detail parts, paints and more. From Italy.
Car Model
Seller with good selection of kits and supplies. Offerings include a number of hard to find kits and a selection of military and space vehicles. From the Czech Republic.
GP Modeling Shop
Outstanding selection of cars, paints and detail items. Car selection includes a lot of modern vehices. Big variety here. From Italy.
Marks Models
Cars and detail parts plus paints and other supplies. Military and planes as well. Some legacy model cars that are not that common. From Ireland.
Piececool UK
Complete catalog of the Metal Earth / Piececool style metal, folded models that require no paint or glue and minimal tools. Some cars but mostly a diversion from traditional models. From the UK.
Equal to the US stores of Hobby Lobby or Michaels, they sport a limited but robust plastic car model offering and supplies. Good in a pinch but may have that one vehicle you want as they stock an ecclectic bevy of cars. All over the UK.
Scale Model Kits
Large seller with a very good selection of Italeri and Heller vehicles plus legacy and nostalgic offerings. Great paint selection and some tools. Eastern Europe.
Wonderland Models
Large seller with a good selection of harder to find cars. Also carries military, figures and sci-fi. From the UK
Large seller with varied selection of cars, supplies, military and figures. Great paint selection. From Spain.
Fantastic selection of vintage and legacy cars plus modern versions. Also military and plane.
Super Nova Studio
Seller from South Africa with a large and very unusual selection of motorcycles and cars. They also sell supplies and paint.

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