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Paint Manufacturers-The Model Car Index
  Paint Manufacturers
Last Updated 10/21/23
Auto Color Library
Bills itself as the worlds larges auto color reference library and it may be. You can certainly find the colors for classic vehicles here. Finding the paint may be harder.
Thought of as a craft paint, which is sold in Michaels and other craft and hobby stores, it does give good results on plastic models with some coaxing. The color and finish selections are what draw modelers to this paint with pearl, flake metal and other finishes and some very bright colors as well. Sells thru dealers.
Gravity Paint
Very popular and legendary paint with modelers. A bit hard to find as they are based in Spain. Many shops in the US do carry the line but experience supply chain issues with the product.They are famous for being paints to match original factory colors of cars.Sells thru dealers.
MCW Finishes
Another paint that has colors to match actual cars. They will also mix specific colors for specific cars. Making paint over 20 years they are a bit easier to acquire being based in North Carolina. Sells direct to consumer.
Mr Hobby
Famous for their primers and finishes they also make a very good line of paints that many modelers would not do without. They also make a great selection of hard to find tools. Most of their products are available widely, but not always in the variety you may want. From China.
Splash Paints
Also sells car matched colors and has a variety of other colors as well. Mostly sold in model/hobby shops they have a good reputation for high quality. Also sells direct to consumer.
Street Blisters Paint
Sells a prolific line of paints, paint supplies and some tools. Their paint catalog is varied and extensive. Their paints have a good reputation for quality and are sold in model and hobby shops and consumer direct. Based in Spain.
Vallejo Paint
Probably the most widely available acrylics in the US they are sold literally everywhere including Amazon. They have a multitude of colors and finsihes, as well as primers, reducers and other additives. Plenty of choices here and plenty of places to buy.
Zero Paints
Another popular one with modelers, it is also matched to actual car colors. Excellent quality and very diverse offerings including paint masks, additives and more. Sold by most hobby shops and most online dealers but not consumer direct.From the UK.
Scale Finishes
Small vendor that custom mixes and matches small batch runs and one off colors for specific needs or uses. All done manually by an artist.
Humbrol Enamel and Acrylic paints
UK manufacturer with extensive line of colors and supplies including reducers, thinners etc. Large catalog of paint that comes in the popular tiny can packages and bottles. Extensively available in US stores and hobby shops.
Tru Color Paints
High Quality pearl finish, candy gloss and metalic paints to match full scale cars and trucks. Extensive online sales and available from other online sellers. Speciality is matching to real world cars, rail stock and more. Located in Arizona.
The brand everyone grew up with that has an extensive line of very good enamel paints and more, plus tools and even model kits. Available everywhere. Around since 1929.

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